With the holidays behind us and a new year underway, it’s the perfect time to focus on smart ways to manage your money. One way to do that is to take a close look at how much money you have coming in and going out each month. For a lot of folks, their income is pretty much set in stone. About 40% of Americans rely on a fixed income, which means their monthly earnings come from one or two sources with very little change. When your income is fixed, it can seem tough to boost your financial situation, so it might be more practical to focus on cutting down your expenses. Here are some tips to help you spend less each month:
Be smart about buying groceries. Groceries are expensive! Being smart about grocery shopping is key. Food prices can really add up! It's one of those budget areas where you can usually find ways to cut back. If you plan your family's meals for the week and follow that plan, you'll definitely save some cash. Plus, doing a grocery pickup order can help you stick to your budget since you won't be tempted by those impulse buys in-store. With grocery pickup, you also avoid the shock of the final total at checkout because you can see how much you're spending as you add items to your cart.
Stop eating out! When you meal plan and have the groceries on hand to cook, you won’t need to go out to eat or hit the drive-thru. Eating out is so expensive and can easily be avoided with proper planning. Sure, it's convenient, but it can also drain your wallet. If you do eat out, try to limit it to just once a week. You can also save money by ordering water instead of drinks and opting for lunch instead of dinner when you do go out. Don’t forget to check your mailbox for coupons on local places to eat! My family of 3 recently went out to eat using a coupon and slashed our total from $32 down to $24 by simply using a coupon we got in the mail.
Take a closer look at your bills. Is there a chance you could raise the deductible on your home or auto insurance to lower your monthly payments? Also, think about trimming down on streaming services and just keeping the ones your family really uses. Another smart move to save money is to reduce the interest on any debts you have. If you’re dealing with credit card debt, could you switch to a card with a 0% interest rate? Sure, those offers are usually temporary and might come with a balance transfer fee, but moving from an 18% interest rate to 0% could really save you a lot of money each month, depending on how much you owe.
In 2025, Frugal Teacher Life will focus on finding new ways to save and sharing practical tips for cutting costs daily, weekly, and monthly. We’ll dive into tracking your spending, discovering smart saving strategies, and mastering the art of budgeting. I’m excited to have you on this journey with me. Let’s embrace frugality and make 2025 your most financially successful year!